There is one kind of photographers that I never compete with. They are the documentary photographers. Documentary photographers express life, while art photographers express the spirit. Sebastião Salgado is an excellent photographer who expresses “labor” based on solid technique.
私には絶対かなわないカメラマンがいる。ドキュメンタリーカメラマンだ。究極を言うと、ドキュメンタリーカメラマンは命を、アートカメラマンは精神を質種に表現をする。 セバスティアン・サリガードは確かな技術を礎に「労働」を表現する秀逸なカメラマンだ。

Sebastián Saliguard excels in the art of expression. No one is identical to anyone else, including the people on the boat in the background. The composition is like a painting on the theme of the Old Testament. What a wonderful photograph!

What a beautiful photo! What kind of dream is the man dreaming in his noonday sleep surrounded by fishing nets and light? I feel it would not be surprising if an angel or a figure of Mary appeared in the light.
なんと美しい写真だろうか。 漁網と光に包まれた午睡の中で男はどのような夢を見ているのだろう。光の中に天使やマリアの姿が現れてもおかしくない気がする。

Every person in this collection of photographs has a look of pride on their face. They are proud of their works. Salgado portrays the true strength of human beings, the people who survive with pride even under difficult circumstances.
